Prostitution Charges
Prostitution charges should be taken very seriously. You have the right to speak with a Tarrant County prostitution attorney before talking with police. We will ensure your rights are protected and build you an excellent defense.
Prostitution, promoting prostitution, and soliciting a prostitute are crimes in Texas. If you’re convicted of any of these crimes, the consequences could be severe. Depending on the charge and whether there are aggravating factors, you could spend time in jail or prison and receive a large fine. The conviction will also go on your criminal record.
Fighting Prostitution Charges in Tarrant County
If you’ve been charged with prostitution, there are defenses against conviction. Hiring an experienced Tarrant County prostitution lawyer can greatly increase your chances of being offered a reduced charge or even getting the charge dismissed. Never give up without a fight—your freedom and future may depend on it.
Penalties for a Prostitution Conviction in Tarrant County
Legal penalties vary, depending on your criminal history and the specific circumstances of your case. Here’s a basic look at the classifications and penalties for prostitution in Tarrant County, Texas:
Offense | Classifications | Penalties |
Prostitution | Class A or B misdemeanor
State jail felony if three or more prior convictions Second-degree felony if person agrees to engage in sex act with a minor |
Misdemeanor = Jail and fines
State jail felony = State jail and fines Second-degree felony = Two to twenty years in prison and fines |
Promotion (Pimping) | State jail felony
Third-degree felony if one or more prior convictions Second-degree felony if promoting sexual contact with a minor |
State jail felony = State jail and fines
Third-degree felony = Up to ten years in prison and fines Second-degree felony = Two to twenty years in prison and fines |
Defenses Against Prostitution-Related Charges
Many people arrested for prostitution crimes don’t believe they can fight the charges. There are almost always ways to get your charge reduced or dismissed or even get you acquitted of the charges.
You must remember that the prosecution has the burden of proof, and if they don’t have enough evidence or their witnesses are considered unreliable, they will have a tough time convincing a jury of your guilt. Consult with a prostitution attorney in Tarrant County to defend against a charge of prostitution or soliciting a prostitute.
Below are some defenses commonly used to fight prostitution charges:
- Entrapment
- Lack of knowledge
- Intoxication
- Age
- Duress (fear of harm)
- No money was exchanged for the sexual acts
Contact a Tarrant County Prostitution Attorney
Texas imposes strict penalties on those convicted of prostitution offenses. Fortunately, the Law Offices of Jeff C. Kennedy have attorneys dedicated to protecting your rights.
You can defend yourself against your charges with the help of a Tarrant County prostitution lawyer at our office. You shouldn’t sign a plea agreement without consulting with legal counsel first. Call 817-605-1010 to discuss your prostitution charge with us during a free case consultation, or complete the confidential form below.