Have you been charged with public intoxication in Tarrant County? Don’t let one night put a black stain on your criminal record forever. Call a Tarrant County public intoxication attorney.
Being charged with an offense like public intoxication is frustrating, especially when you were trying to follow the laws and not drink and drive. In these types of cases, it may be your word against the arresting officer’s, and if you don’t hire an attorney, you could end up with a public drunkenness conviction on your record.
The worst part of having an alcohol charge forever stamped on your criminal record is that employers won’t take you seriously. They may pass over you, believing you have problems with alcohol, which could pose a risk to their company.
Here’s the good news: You have a better chance of having your charges reduced or dismissed if you have a Tarrant County public intoxication lawyer on your side. Our firm is here to help.
Penalties for Public Intoxication in Tarrant County
Public intoxication, or public drunkenness, is when a person shows up in a public place and appears to be a danger to himself or herself or others because of intoxication. This charge is fairly subjective. You may not think you were behaving in a dangerous manner at all, but if someone else called the police on you, you could be arrested.
Compared to other offenses, the criminal punishments for public drunkenness aren’t all that severe. The charge is a Class C misdemeanor, and you may spend a night or two in jail and be given a small fine, an alcohol class, and possibly probation.
However, the ramifications of a conviction can impact your life in many non-legal ways, such as:
- You could be under investigation by Texas Child Protective Services and have custody of your kids taken away or altered.
- Employers may not want to hire you, or you could be fired for poorly representing the company.
- You could cause yourself and your family serious embarrassment.
- Offenses like public intoxication could make the punishments for future offenses, such as DWIs, more severe.
Keeping a Tarrant County Public Intoxication Conviction Off Your Record
Attempting to fight a public drunkenness charge on your own is not likely to end well. The court isn’t likely to take you seriously. With a public intoxication lawyer in Tarrant County on your side, you can have a better chance of getting your charges dismissed—or at least reduced.
Some defense strategies your attorney from the Law Offices of Jeff C. Kennedy could use in your case are as follows:
- You weren’t intoxicated (over the legal limit).
- You weren’t a danger to yourself or others.
- You weren’t drinking at all, and there was some other cause for your behavior.
- The arresting officer was biased against you.
Get in Touch with a Tarrant County Public Intoxication Attorney
Whatever your situation is, it can’t hurt to speak with a Tarrant County public intoxication lawyer. Keeping your record clean is important, so protect it. Call the Law Offices of Jeff C. Kennedy at 817-605-1010 to get a free case review. You may also submit the online contact form below to get in touch with us.