One of the difficult aspects of a criminal record is that it never truly goes away, which makes search for a job, renting an apartment, and other day to day tasks very complicated.
For som folks with a past criminal record, the opportunity to have their records expunged or sealed could allow them to turn over a new leaf. If you’ve ever considered the possibility of hiding your past criminal record, you’ve probably looked into one of these options. But what’s the difference between an expunged or sealing a record?
Expunging or Sealing a Criminal Record: Main Differences
Sealing and expunging a criminal record both accomplish different things; consequently, there are different rules regarding eligibility to seal or expunge your record.
Sealing your record means that members of the general public will be unable to see it—only government agencies and law enforcement requesting a private background check can see the record. On the other hand, expungement of your criminal record makes the record, for all intents and purposes, disappear.
If you want to seal your record, you have to successfully file an order of nondisclosure preventing the government from revealing the record to others. Eligible applicants must meet a set of strict requirements to have their records sealed. Similarly, eligibility for expunction can depend on whether you were convicted for a crime.
In both cases, most people with major felony convictions will be ineligible for either record sealing or expunction. If you’re unsure and would like some help, a criminal defense lawyer will review your case.
Do You Still Have Questions? Schedule A Free Consultation Today.
Are you eligible for a clean slate? If so, an experienced expungement lawyer from The Law Offices of Jeff C. Kennedy is standing by to help you see this process through.
Call 817-605-1010 or fill out the form below to get started.