Fort Worth DWI FAQ
Being arrested for a DWI in Fort Worth is an experience no one hopes for, but if you find yourself in this situation, you will likely have some questions.
We’ve answered a few frequently asked questions about DWI charges below. Don’t be afraid to contact the Criminal Defense Law Offices of Jeff C. Kennedy to ask a DWI attorney any other questions you have.
Will I get jail time for a DWI conviction?
Whether or not you’ll serve jail time will depend on a lot of factors. Technically, your first offense can get you between three and 180 days in jail.
How much Are fines for A DWI in Tarrant County?
The mandatory fines for DWIs depend on whether this is your first, second or multiple more offenses. All DWI convictions carry fines, but they become increasingly more expensive each time you’re convicted. You can see the amount of fines per DWI charge here.
Will I have to get an ignition interlock device in my vehicle?
If you have two or more DWI convictions in five years, it’s mandatory for an ignition interlock device to be installed in your vehicle. This device is meant to prevent you from drinking and driving.
What are the non-legal punishments I may face if convicted of DWI?
After you’ve been convicted of a DWI in Texas, you could suffer in many non-legal ways, such as having difficulty securing a job, losing some of your rights, losing eligibility for some government and housing programs, suffering family embarrassment, and more.
Speak with a Fort Worth DWI Lawyer
We hope this FAQ has helped you gain a better understanding of Texas DWI laws. If you’ve been arrested for a DWI, remember that there are defenses against conviction. You could be throwing your future away if you plead guilty prematurely.
You have a chance of reducing your charges or having them dismissed when you work with a DWI attorney at Law Offices of Jeff C. Kennedy. Call us at 817-605-1010 or fill out the form below to discuss your DWI case for free.